Friday, February 28, 2020

Business Ethics, Governance and Social Responsibility Assignment

Business Ethics, Governance and Social Responsibility - Assignment Example There has been a drastic change in the corporate environment over the years, and owing to the increasing technological development, people across the globe are not only more connected to one another but also have become aware of the negative consequences of irresponsible corporate governance on the part of giant multinational organizations. As a result, firms today are increasingly under pressure to perform not only financially, but also ethically as well. The managers and leaders are of organizations are now increasingly expected to address a range of social and environmental causes and problems including climate change, poverty, and even HIV/ AIDS. It is due to this changing facet of corporate governance and the increasing popularity of concepts such as Corporate Social Responsibility, Business Ethics and Ethical leadership, that the organizations are now required to be increasingly responsible and transparent in their approach in order to maintain their credibility, brand image an d public trust in the industry, or risk facing wide scale public backlash and pay millions of dollars in fines and compensations. Business ethics refers to "the study of business situations, activities, and decisions where issues of right and wrong are addressed" (Crane & Matten, 2010, p. 5). This definition is used in this study to discuss the ethical stance of the Royal Dutch Shell Plc., and the various key issues surrounding the company. With regard to organizations, the concept of ethics refers to the transparency in its corporate activities, accurate reporting of accounting and financial statements, and honest disclosure of its health and safety policies as well as the likely impact of its activities on the community and the environment at large. Business ethics and ethical reporting of business activities by companies has assumed increased significance over the years. Hence it has become imperative for organizations involved in business such as Oil &

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 61

Journal - Essay Example In this respect, I am most interested on studying Intrapersonal context of communication as one of the theories that explore the complex system of the society. Interpersonal relations constitute attribution theory, uncertainty reduction theory, expectancy violation theory, and cognitive dissonance. Attribution theory remains an important aspect of interpersonal relations which affirms that whatever the cause may be, there always remain a strong need to comprehend and make clear what is going on in our world. This attribution theory gives the need for people to explain their feelings and desires which prompts interaction in various social settings. This opens up interesting influence and possibilities which promotes communication as a tool of interpersonal relations (Wood 919). The importance of understanding intrapersonal communication and the theories cannot be overestimated as it plays central role in defining our diverse and unique identities. This theory is viewed as the point at which all communications begin, which leads on to overt communication. It is therefore important that interpersonal relations theory is given much emphasis as it dictates the aggregate working of the entire