Sunday, December 29, 2019

Reforms Of The Electoral College - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 536 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2019/06/14 Category Politics Essay Level High school Topics: Electoral College Essay Did you like this example? The Electoral college is not going to changed by any means and there are far more urgent and assuring topics for reform in the selection of the president. Even though the electoral college no longer serves its original purpose; giving that makes a candidate not favored to win by the majority to elect the president. There has been multiply incidents that 3 presidential candidate won by the getting the more electoral votes than the popular vote but didnt really affect the principle of democracy. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Reforms Of The Electoral College" essay for you Create order The Founding Fathers chose the electoral college system because of the two ways of electing a leader by congress and by the American people by popular vote. The method of the Electoral college maintained the agreements on representation, after the fact of the presidency of George Washington was no longer the overall consensus candidate to be president. Electoral College isnt without its flaws and has advantages to the presidential candidate with a larger base support in a lot of States, who can win huge majorities in several other large states. Thus promoting national apparition rather than a regional one; this promotes a presidential politics of a two party base system, which over more dominant to multiply party systems where it will eliminate too much leverage given to a candidate. Having a two party system gives the presidential candidate more cost saving campaigning that they have to do especially in the battleground states. Knowing what we know now ,the Founding Fathers would not have adopted the Electoral College System into the presidential race. If people want to change the Electoral college System it would require three quarters of the legislatures and two-thirds vote from both houses of Congress to changed it but this will not likely happen due to the more important suppressing issues on the American peoplers minds. Cons The winner take all system favors the majority over the minority. This system allows the candidate to obtain all the electoral votes by winning the popular vote. Even if the vote counts difference is marginal Allowing several states to be the factor of the presidential election due to the popular vote in those states. winner-take-all allocation has numerous pernicious effects on the electoral process in addition to its potential impact on outcome. As many observers have complained, the winner-take-all system causes candidates to focus resources and visits on a handful of close states, while slighting or completely ignoring the others. Perhaps more importantly, significant evidence suggests that non-swing states receive less attention from presidents while in office and that the concerns of swing- state voters disproportionately drive the national agenda. Winner- take-all also has a variety of negative effects on the electoral process itself. It effectively deprives consistent political minorities within a state of any representation in the presidential election. from a more pragmatic point of view, a move to change the winner-take-all system at the national level potentially lacks one obstacle that other electoral college reform efforts have encountered: the opposition of states that believe they will lose power if the reforms are a success. The bonuses given to states with a small population or a large percentage of nonvoters generally play a minor role in the operation of the electoral college overall.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Movie Review Boys Don t Cry - 1273 Words

The movie Boys Don’t Cry is a touching film about a tragic true story. It is a story about the struggles a transgender man named â€Å"Teena Brandon† or â€Å"Brandon† for short faced during his life. Brandon was born in Lincoln, Nebraska in 1972 and lived there for the majority of his life. As he was growing up he felt different than the people around him. In 1992 Brandon was said to be suffering from a â€Å"sexual identity crisis† (also known as a gender identity crisis). In 1993 Brandon was facing legal trouble, so he packed up his things and moved to Falls City, Nebraska. Falls City was the first place he had been where he could identify as male and nobody knew him otherwise. His first night in Falls City Brandon met Tom Nissen, John Lotter, and Candice. Brandon spent the night at Candice’s farmhouse. The next day he met Lana Tisdel. As Brandon spent more time in Falls City he became more comfortable with the friends he was making, but people were slowly uncovering his big secret. Brandon and Lana were falling in love, but John Lotter wasn’t too happy about that. In December of 1993, Brandon was arrested for forging checks, but Lana paid his bail. The arrest was published in the Falls City News Paper and John had seen it. John was furious that Brandon had been lying to him and everybody else. John and Tom decided they were going to take care of the problem. John and Tom went through Brandon’s stuff and discovered Brandon’s transgender items (a packer, ace bandage, etc.) John andShow MoreRelatedMovie Review : Boys Don t Cry Essay1230 Words   |  5 PagesRyan Miller 12/8/16 American Identities Short Paper #3: Film Review Boys Don’t Cry Boys don’t cry is a movie based on real events that focuses on the incredibly contradicted issues of transgender, ultimately displaying a goal of being yourself. The film is based around Brandon Teena, who is a young female-to-male transgender who flees his hometown because his biological identity had been revealed. He relocates to a small town in Nebraska, where he has the opportunity to start over. He becomes veryRead MoreSummary Of The Boy s Striped Pyjamas 1269 Words   |  6 PagesKelly Gomez Course 2 Mrs.Horne Friday, October 16th, 2015 Book Review # 1: The Boy In Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne The Boy in Striped Pyjamas is a book written by John Boyne set during World War II. He is an author of 8 novels including this story. His novels are published into 42 languages. The story mostly told through Bruno s eyes, but also was allowed to freely move into other characters thoughts. It is told from third point of view. The book is focused on Shmuel and Bruno’sRead MoreThe Diversity Of Human Population2190 Words   |  9 Pages eviction from a house or denial of other privileges. Notable people protested their dismissal in courts. Even though most of the appeals were turned down, people started filling civil rights cases based on their sexual orientation. When they didn t get their say through legal means, gay rights activists and groups organized protests in major institutions such as the White House. These protests slowly graduated into an organized march, later referred to as the Pride Parade. The first gay paradeRead MoreEnglish: Past Tense and Verb Tense Exercise7200 Words   |  29 PagesShhhhh! Be quiet! John (sleep) . 4. Don t forget to take your umbrella. It (rain) . 5. I hate living in Seattle because it (rain, always) . 6. I m sorry I can t hear what you (say) because everybody (talk) so loudly. 7. Justin (write, currently) a book about his adventures in Tibet. I hope he can find a good publisher when he is finished. 8. Jim: Do you want to come over for dinner tonight? Denise: Oh, I m sorry, I can t. I (go) to a movie tonight with some friends. 9. TheRead MorePeople recognize a difference between children and adults. What events (experiences or ceremonies) make a person an adult? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.7516 Words   |  31 Pagespainful process and is based on gradual exposure to the object, linked to the practice of a range of relaxation techniques.One of the weirdest is hippopotomonstros esquippedaliophobia: the fear of long words. You can t help thinking that the name was chosen so that sufferers couldn t talk about their problem! People who suffer from this phobia often use abbreviations and acronyms. The structure of the present simple:Subject + VInfinitive We use the present simple: to talk about facts thingsRead MoreThe Ballad of the Sad Cafe46714 Words   |  187 Pageswho conjures up a vision of existence as terrible as it is real, who takes us on shattering voyages into the depths of the spiritual isolation that underlies the human condition. A grotesque human triangle in a primitive Southern town. . . A young boy learning the difficult lessons of manhood. . . A fateful encounter with his native land and former love. . . These are parts of the world of Carson McCullers -- a world of the lost, the injured, the eternal strangers at life s feast. Here are brilliantRead MoreFrom Extravagant Movie Theatres to Lowly Bomba Houses: Investigating the Degeneration of City Spaces Along Claro M. Recto Avenue, Manila10891 Words   |  44 PagesABSTRACT Title: From extravagant movie theaters to lowly bomba houses: Investigating the degeneration of city spaces along Claro M. Recto Avenue, Manila There is a lack of understanding about the overall process of degeneration of city spaces in the Philippine setting, specifically along Claro M. Recto Avenue, Manila. This study addresses this concern by suggesting a functionalist approach, using the theories of Durkheim and Merton, in analyzing the negative consequences and implicationsRead MoreHesi Practice31088 Words   |  125 Pagesretardation. 2. A client with type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus has just learned she s pregnant. 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Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 Pages1 1 Introduction What Is Organizational Behavior? 3 The Importance of Interpersonal Skills 4 What Managers Do 5 Management Functions 6 †¢ Management Roles 6 †¢ Management Skills 8 †¢ Effective versus Successful Managerial Activities 8 †¢ A Review of the Manager’s Job 9 Enter Organizational Behavior 10 Complementing Intuition with Systematic Study 11 Disciplines That Contribute to the OB Field 13 Psychology 14 †¢ Social Psychology 14 †¢ Sociology 14 †¢ Anthropology 14 There Are Few Absolutes in

Friday, December 13, 2019

Ice Cream Galore Btec Unit 9 Free Essays

Ice Cream Galore Made by: H. Hassan Index * P1 describe the promotional mix used by two selected organisations for a selected product/service * P2 explain the role of promotion within the marketing mix for a selected product/service * P3 explain the role of advertising agencies and the media in the development of a successful promotional campaign * P4 explain the reasons behind the choice of media in a successful promotional campaign P1 The Promotional mix contains out of different elements who are necessary for the information of all target customers that means it’s not just for the people who already know about the product but also for the people who are completely unaware it all depends on how you use the elements of the promotional mix which are: 1. Advertising Any paid form of non-personal communication through mass media   about a service or product   or an idea is called advertising. We will write a custom essay sample on Ice Cream Galore Btec Unit 9 or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is done through non personal channels or media. Print advertisements, advertisements in Television, Radio, Billboard, Cataloges, Direct mails, In-store display, , emails, posters are some of the examples of advertising. Paid promotion and presentation of goods, services, comes under the advertisement 2. Personal selling This is a process by which a person persuades the buyer to accept a product or a point of view or convince the buyer to take specific course of action through face to face contact. Examples: Sales Meetings, sales presentations, sales training, samples and telemarketing etc. It can be of face-to-face or through telephone contact. 3. Sales promotion Many different products are often sold with a discount. Companies use these kind of sales promotion a lot. They do this so that more people will buy the product, resulting in a bigger profit or so they can get rid of their old products because they are waiting for a new product to come out 4. Public relations A lot of big businesses also have a negative side. It’s the PR’s goals to make the business look as good as possible for the public 5. Direct marketing Direct marketing is a way of marketing to a particular group such as young male students Business use very advanced ways into reaching the people they want to inform of their product or discount 6. Sponsorship Sponsorship is a way to of promoting by being connected to someone or something companies pay a lot to like an athlete wearing their name on his shirt P1/P2 BCC BCC is a high tech company selling all the electrical equipment u need at your home. They use the promotional mix to attract customers and sell products. hey use a store as well as a web shop Advertising: BCC has got a lot of commercials and nationally known slogans such as â€Å"Low Prices High Service† Personal Selling: They use personal selling a lot, try walking in to a bcc store without getting jumped by a salesman. Their strategy is you come in to the store for headphones and you leave with a phone or tv. Sales Promotion: They give you discount ,when u buy more than 1 product and give the opportunity to pay it off with a monthly fee. Sponsorship: They sponsored The Dutch soccer team at WK 2010 named â€Å"Het officiele thuis supporters packet â€Å" (http://www. nederlandsmedianetwerk. l/profiles/blogs/bcc-officieel-sponsor-van-de) Direct marketing: They use direct marketing by sending u emails of their discount if you’re in their database because u bought something from them in the past Public relations : They are known because of their slogan Low Prices High Service. If something doesn’t work they will immediately help you out through the phone or at their store The role of their promotion that people are aware that they are there and give them the image that they are the best and reliable with repairs and such so that u feel comfortable with buying a new TV without thinking that it might break . Unicef Unicef stands for United Nations Children’s Fund. It’s a children rights organisation of the United Nations. Their Goal is that all children get the same rights such as education, food ,vaccinations and help cure aids and other diseases Advertising: Unicef advertises a lot they have people on the streets collecting money. They got commercials and famous people supporting them at benefit concerts here Personal Selling: They do use personal selling by for example the people who come knock on your door raising money or have a stall with unicef shirts and caps that u can buy Sales promotion: They don’t give discounts because it’s about them helping children it depends on you how much u want to give there are no standard prices Sponsorship :They sponsor one of the greatest soccer team in the world FC Barcelona and the Grand Prix as well as NASCAR. Direct Marketing: They use direct marketing u can subscribe to their site and they send u emails and information about their campaigns or benefit concerts they look for people with a soft hart and care about children I think they mostly aim at rich housewives with children their own Public Relations: They are extremely kind to u and u can always call or mail them or go to their local office if u have any questions. Unicef depends on promotion they need it so people can donate money to them without promotion no one would trust the organisation with their money they would think that they will just keep it. They promote it with sad children that are all bruised up so that they get your compassion and eventually your money. How to cite Ice Cream Galore Btec Unit 9, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Why Huck Finn Should Be Banned Essay Example For Students

Why Huck Finn Should Be Banned Essay Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is not an appropriate book for schools because of the racism and bad morals that it promotes. Depending on the reader the racism could possibly be overlooked as a reason for the book to be banned. This is not the only problem with the book though, the rest of the ideas which Twain has satirized are not appropriate for school curriculum. I do not find it necessary to read about people being cruel to each other, a boy being beat by his father, and among other things having a slave being referred to as a nigger throughout the entire book. Huckleberry Finn has been described as â€Å"a matchless satire on racism, bigotry, and property rights in human beings. † (Simmons 1) When Huck Finn was written the word nigger was not a word people would avoid using. It was just the common way of referring to a slave. Just because the book reflects the way of life at this time in American history it does not make it okay to have it in our classrooms. Some may say that Jim never showed any sign of emotion from being called a â€Å"nigger† but there is no evidence of Jim being upset or not caring so this is not a valid argument. Just because the characters in the book don’t show emotion from being called this word doesn’t mean that it won’t have an affect on the readers. It would probably be very difficult for an African-American student to have to read this book in a classroom where they are among mostly white students. Another topic dealing with Jim is the slave issue. Twain makes a society that accepts slavery seem okay. Jim is always referred to as a piece of property rather than a human being. When Aunt Sally inquires of what took her nephew so long in arriving Huck, who is pretending to be Tom, says a cylinder-head blew out. She then asks if anybody was hurt and Huck responds â€Å"No’m. Killed a nigger. † This statement is evidence that the white people didn’t treat African-American’s as people. When Jim assists the doctor in helping Jim the doctor has Jim captured while he is asleep. When they take him back to the farm where he escaped he is chained up and locked in a cell. The doctor says that Jim was a â€Å"kind nigger that is worth a thousand dollars-and kind treatment, too. Instead of taking away a few of the chains, the people only agree to stop cussing at him since he did such a good job in helping. Twain’s â€Å"satirical observations concerning human folly and social injustice and which, during his lifetime, led to widespread denunciation of his works as coarse and improper. † (Boorstin 1) Throughout the book Huckleberry participates in helping in conning people out of their money, lying to just about everybody he comes in contact with, and other activities which appear to be okay according to Twain. It seems that Mark Twain made everything that was bad seem ok and everything that promoted good was bad or just showed people’s ignorance. Miss Watson tells Huck that if he doesn’t change his ways then he won’t go to heaven. Huck has come to believe that Miss Watson will be in heaven so he decides that he â€Å"couldn’t see no advantage in going where she was going, so I made up my mind I wouldn’t try for it. † Other times in the novel when people are at religious gatherings they all give money to people who get up and tell about their experiences. .ub359f37db36cd8648b6ec008737914ad , .ub359f37db36cd8648b6ec008737914ad .postImageUrl , .ub359f37db36cd8648b6ec008737914ad .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub359f37db36cd8648b6ec008737914ad , .ub359f37db36cd8648b6ec008737914ad:hover , .ub359f37db36cd8648b6ec008737914ad:visited , .ub359f37db36cd8648b6ec008737914ad:active { border:0!important; } .ub359f37db36cd8648b6ec008737914ad .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub359f37db36cd8648b6ec008737914ad { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub359f37db36cd8648b6ec008737914ad:active , .ub359f37db36cd8648b6ec008737914ad:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub359f37db36cd8648b6ec008737914ad .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub359f37db36cd8648b6ec008737914ad .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub359f37db36cd8648b6ec008737914ad .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub359f37db36cd8648b6ec008737914ad .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub359f37db36cd8648b6ec008737914ad:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub359f37db36cd8648b6ec008737914ad .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub359f37db36cd8648b6ec008737914ad .ub359f37db36cd8648b6ec008737914ad-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub359f37db36cd8648b6ec008737914ad:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: â€Å"Of Mice and Men† Coursework EssayThe people aren’t smart enough to realize they are being conned out of their money so Twain puts the blame on religious belief rather than the ignorance of the individual. Throughout the novel Huck is supposedly learning lessons from his experiences. He sees his friend Buck get shot because of a feud between two families that has lasted for who knows how long, he witnesses the town drunk Boggs get shot by an impatient Sherburn, and most of all the true and caring side of Jim. In the end of the novel when Huck teams up with Tom he seems to forget all of what he has learned. Huck allows Tom to do cruel things to Jim for the sake of making Jim’s escape fantastic and memorable. This goes against what he said when he played the trick on Jim while on the raft and promised that he â€Å"wouldn’t do no more mean tricks, and I wouldn’t done that one if I’d ‘a’ knowed it would make him feel that way. † Twain’s last few chapters ruin the novel because he makes it appear as though it â€Å"didn’t matter how much of an impact the experiences had on Huck’s life prior to the end, he still would have forgotten what he had learned. (Seldeen 3) Huck Finn will never be appropriate for school curriculum. Until the ways of southern life in American history are accepted I don’t think that Huck Finn should ever be accepted into our curriculum. There is really no purpose in reading the book other than to analyze Twain’s satirical look at the evils of society, which we don’t want to admit to ourselves, and how a boy can go through life and see society at its lowest then in the end not be affected by it at all.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Apollo Thirteen Essay Research Paper Apollo 13 free essay sample

Apollo Thirteen Essay, Research Paper Apollo 13 was filmed in 1995 by manager Ron Howard, and Universal Studios. The lead characters where Jim Lovell played by Tom Hanks, Fred Haise played by Bill Paxton, Jack Swigert played by Kevin Bacon, Ken Matingly played by Gary Sinise, Gene Kranz played by Ed Harris, and Marilyn Lovell played by Kathleen Quinland. The Apollo 13 infinite mission was put together to fast and destined to hold major errors in it. Originally Jim Lovell, Fred Haise, and Ken Matingly are scheduled to be the spacemans to run the mission, but Ken gets exposed to the rubeolas, and must be replaced by Jack Swigert. This incident happens manner to shut to the launch day of the month, and the other astronauts become really uncomfortable with the whole state of affairs. Finally the launch day of the month arrives, and everything on the launch goes swimmingly. Although merely after they reach infinite the cryogenic armored combat vehicle explodes and the action begins. We will write a custom essay sample on Apollo Thirteen Essay Research Paper Apollo 13 or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The capsule is fring O, and energy, and the Moon landing must be aborted. Alternatively of turning the infinite cod around and coming directly place, the squad at NASA decides that they merely have adequate fuel to utilize the Moon # 8217 ; s gravity to slingshot Apollo 13 around the Moon and back to Earth. Although many minor jobs arise throughout the mission, the biggest are the loss of fuel and O. During on point in the mission the C Dioxide readings were perilously high, and the squad at NASA had to plan a adjustment that allowed a square blowhole to be placed on a unit of ammunition discharge system. During reentry the spacemans and squad at NASA were unsure of whether or non the heat shield had been damaged during the detonation. The whole universe watched on telecasting and waited in silence for a mark that Apollo 13 had made it back to Earth. At first it looked like they didn # 8217 ; Ts make it but finally Jim Lovell breaks the wireless silence to mean that they made it. This movie was nominated for nine academy awards including best sound, movie redaction, best art way, best effects, best music, best image, best back uping histrion, best back uping actress, and best authorship. The movie won two Academy Awards for stake movie redaction, and best sound. This movie was really historically accurate, and everything was the manner it truly happened, except alternatively of stating # 8220 ; Houston we have got a job, # 8221 ; Tom Hanks said # 8220 ; Houston we have a job # 8221 ; because the existent phrase was transcript righted. This movie was really successful in illuminated on the Apollo 13 infinite mission. I was non alive during the existent Apollo 13 mission, and hence did non cognize that much about it. This movie did a great occupation of demoing the existent events, and characters that had to cover with those events. The despair of the three spacemans was apparent throughout the movie. The movie showed how difficult NASA worked to convey the work forces back to Earth when many thought that it was non possible. The movie besides showed how the spaceman # 8217 ; s households reacted to the mission, and how the whole universe watched and prayed for their safe return. This movie showed every facet of the Apollo 13 infinite mission with great item, and thoroughness. I though that this was a good movie. I liked how the book and secret plan stuck to the existent events and didn # 8217 ; t seek to embroider the information to do it a better film. The zero gravitation footage made the movie really realistic and was worth the excess attempt on the parts of the histrions and manager. The movie was besides had an exciting secret plan that made it easy and interesting to watch. The histrions that where chosen for the parts were perfect. Tom Hanks did an first-class occupation with his character every bit good as Ed Harris. There is nil about this movie that I did non like.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Medical Lawand Ethics Essays

Medical Lawand Ethics Essays Medical Lawand Ethics Paper Medical Lawand Ethics Paper In this medical case, it is described how Johnny, a 2-year old boy, has been diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and needs blood transfusion immediately since his hemoglobin count has dropped to drastically dangerous levels. According to the medical report presented in the case, Johnny could die should his hemoglobin continue to decrease because it is essential in delivering oxygenated blood. The problem and ethical dilemma in the case, however, is that the boy’s parents, Sarah and Tom, are practicing Jehovah’s Witnesses, which is a religion that prohibits any form of blood transfusion among its members. Personally, I believe that having a professional code of ethics played a vital role in actions of the healthcare team in addressing Johnny’s illness. As stated in the case, there are other alternatives to treat Johnny’s condition. The alternatives that the team used are oral/intravenous/intramuscular preparations of iron and Epogen, a colony stimulating factor that can be used to trigger the patient’s bone marrow to produce new blood cells. However, Johnny’s health continued to deteriorate and he required immediate platelet transfusion, which is against the religion of his parents. But a court order ruled that in case of a life-threatening condition, the boy must receive transfusion and so the parents had no choice but to allow it. Upon analyzing this case using the Three-Step Ethics model, three questions must be asked: Is it legal? Is it balanced? And how does it make one feel? Evidently, the answers to all those questions are yes because the healthcare team could’ve ignored the patient’s religion and proceeded immediately with a transfusion. However, the team chose to forego the procedure until it is immediately needed, which showed that they acted in accordance with their professional code of ethics and the laws of the patient’s religion. Moreover, although Sue, the nurse who administered the transfusion, felt guilty with her actions, in the end, the results proved beneficial to all parties. Johnny was able to recover from his illness and has been enabled to live a healthy life again. In short, the actions of the healthcare team was generally ethical because they exercised judgment based on their professional code of ethics,, acted according to the laws of both the state and the patient’s religion, and most of all, saved the ill boy’s life. References McNeil, S. (1997). Johnny’s story: transfusing a Jehovah’s Witness. B. net. Pediatric Nursing. Retrieved July 12, 2009 from http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m0FSZ/is_n3_v23/ai_n18607405/? tag=content;col1.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Age discrimination in employment (especially for older people) Research Paper

Age discrimination in employment (especially for older people) - Research Paper Example Policies and procedures for the company should be written clearly in an employee manual. This should include how promotions, salary increases/decreases and reduction in work force will occur. Having clearly written policies and procedures will benefit the employee and the company in age discrimination cases. These laws fall under the federal United States Equal Opportunity Employment Commission, although state governments also have their own laws regarding age discrimination ( Age discrimination can be defined as when either an employee or an applicant who is over the age of 40, experiences unfair treatment when it comes to anything related to employment including hiring and dismissal, pay, job assignments, layoffs, work hours, promotions, etc. ( Although there are many reasons for age discrimination, insurance companies are primarily to blame. Harassment relating to age occurs when supervisors, other employees or even clients continually hassle or badger someone. The law does not cover light hearted teasing or occasional off handed remarks, but when the situation escalates to create a hostile work environment for the employee it could be an issue of age discrimination ( Keep in mind that the law pertains to people over the age of 40. According to U.S. News Money, people in the United States are retiring later than in previous years. This can be attributed to a lack of employer sponsored retirement benefits, reduction in Social Security benefits, longer life expectancy, improved health as people age and the coordination of retirement between wives and husbands when statistically, wives are three years younger than their husbands ( Increased career length leads to an increase in age discrimination instances. With the recent downfall of the United States economy beginning in 2008, it has become more important for people to continue to work past typical retirement age. Since that time, age